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Job Analysis Software

AutoGOJA Online Job Analysis Program

AutoGOJA Job Analysis Software is designed specifically for the human resource professional who needs to conduct the most legally defensible job analysis in a fast and efficient manner. AutoGOJA is a hosted software solution that automates many steps necessary to complete a traditional job analysis. Qualified organizations may sign up for a FREE Basic Job Analysis account. This FREE service will allow an organization to complete a job analysis for one position. The account may also be upgraded to allow for analyses to be performed on subsequent job titles.

Designed to address the requirements of the federal Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures the 1991 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), AutoGOJA will help employers collect the information necessary to defend their testing, selection, and compensation practices.

Find answers to common questions about performing a job analysis:

  1. How do I perform a job analysis?
  2. What are the benefits of completing a job analysis?
  3. What makes for a good Subject Matter Expert (SME)?
  4. What are KSAPCs?
  5. How does the GOJA job analysis process make for a defensible job analysis?

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